God reconciles everything to Himself in Christ. This gives us confidence now to bring our
prayers before Him.
That the Church may always call her people to live in concrete ways the great
commandment of love, we pray to the Lord...
That world leaders may acknowledge Christ, for whom and through whom all nations and
peoples exist, we pray to the Lord...
That our laws may protect the institution of marriage, created by God as the union of one
man and one woman, we pray to the Lord...
That victims of economic hard times will see the hand of Jesus Christ in the generous
response of our parish community, we pray to the Lord…
That all who have died may have eternal rest and peace, especially Roland Roope, we pray to the Lord...
Your Word is near us,
In our hearts and on our lips.
Through that Word, fulfill our needs
And keep us faithful to You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.