With trust in the Lord who calls us as His disciples, we bring Him all our needs. 

That the Church may continue to proclaim with joy the saving mercy of the Lord and follow Him with steadfast fidelity, we pray to the Lord...

That on this anniversary of America’s independence we will remain true to our nation’s founding principles and always work for the common good, let us pray to the Lord…

That God bless and protect our nation’s armed forces, those serving now, those who have come home, and those who have given their lives in service, we pray to the Lord...

That the terminally ill may receive the proper care, love, and support they deserve until the moment of natural death, we pray to the Lord...

That all who have died, especially Angela Midili, Felin Hernandez, and Arlie May. May they be purified of sin and share in the Lord's resurrection, we pray to the Lord... 

Let us take a few moments of silence to bring to mind all those needs in the depths of our hearts . . . . . . . . . . we pray to the Lord.
God of life and love, you send us to continue Jesus’ mission.  Hear these prayers that we ask in His name, for He is Lord forever and ever.