June 27, 2010 - 13th Sunday in OT

With trust in the Lord Who calls us as His disciples, we bring Him all our needs.

  • That the Church may continue to proclaim with joy the saving mercy of the Lord and follow Him with steadfast fidelity, we pray to the Lord...
  • For peace in the world, and for the justice which is the foundation of that peace, we pray to the Lord...
  • That the terminally ill may receive the proper care, love, and support they deserve until the moment of natural death, we pray to the Lord...
  • For all who have made a commitment to religious life, that "having set their hand to the plow," they may never look back, but only follow the Lord with joy, we pray to the Lord...
  • That the children and volunteers in this year’s Vacation Bible School will be inspired by faith, strengthened in community, and protected from harm, we pray to the Lord…
  • For all who have died, especially _________, Nick Alexander, Sal Guarino (War-EE-no), and, Bettina Carroccetto (Kare-a-sheh-toe), may they be purified of sin and share in the Lord's resurrection, we pray to the Lord...
  • Let us bring our own needs to God in silent prayer……………………….. we pray to the Lord…
Father, by our baptism
we are committed to following Your Son.
Hear our prayers,
and help us keep our hearts focused on You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

· VBS starts Monday
· A new program for 3-5 year olds, Pilgrims, will be starting soon. See the bulletin for details.