June 13, 2010 - 11th Sunday in OT


The infinite mercy of God inspires in us the confidence by which we now approach Him with all our needs…

·        For missionaries, lay and ordained, that they may have the courage, dedication, and convincing words of our patron, Saint Anthony, we pray to the Lord…

·        For leaders striving to bring about equality and dignity for all people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For those in our parish and in our families who are suffering from illness or weakness of any kind, that the Holy Spirit may fill their souls and bodies, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all Christians, justified by faith, that they may seek a deeper unity with their brothers and sisters of other denominations, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all in religious life, that their consecrated lives may remind us all that the life we live is not ours, but God’s, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all who have died, (especially ________________) that they may be purified of sin and share the vision of heaven, we pray to the Lord… 

·        At 5:30pm only: For Jerry and Betty Schambeau (Sham-Bo) for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord…

·        At 7:30am only: For Fr. Len Plazewski (Plaz-es-kee) for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord…

·        For our own needs brought before God in silent prayer…………….we pray to the Lord…

Father, Source of all Life and source of all Grace,
Hear our prayers and grant us perseverance
In living the vocation You have given each of us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.