June 20, 2010, 12th Sunday in OT


Let us join our voices to bring our needs before the Father…


·        For all who risk their lives for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom, we pray to the Lord…

·        For leaders striving to bring about equality and dignity for all people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all who follow Christ as a religious brother or sister, that they will never have want of food, shelter, or hospitality, we pray to the Lord…  

·        For fathers, and for all those who guide and protect young people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all of us worshiping here today, that we would be strengthened as a community of faith, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all who have died, especially (________________________) Edwina Green and Michael McNamara, that as heirs named in the promise they will share eternal life with Christ, we pray to the Lord.

·        For our own needs brought to God in silent prayer…………………                    we pray to the Lord.

Almighty God, we lift our prayers to You in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


1.    This Monday is the deadline for all VBS donations. If you have something to donate and have not had a chance to bring it to the office, please bring it by tomorrow! We still need….
·        A large tug-of-war rope

2.    Our Gregorian Chanting classes have started. It’s not too late to join them on Wednesdays @ 7:00pm in the church. Learn to sing like a monk!

3.    Next weekend is Peter’s Pence.