Christmas 2010

CHRISTMAS 2010 ________________________________________________________________________
In Christmas joy and hope, let us present all our needs to God with confidence.
For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and for all Church leaders: may they proclaim by their words and actions the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world, we pray to the Lord …
For local, national, and international leaders, that their vision will make this world a better place, we pray to the Lord …

For those forgotten and lonely in hospitals, nursing homes, and orphanages; for those without family or friends, for the homeless and the unemployed, we pray to the Lord …

For our families, loved ones, and friends: may our love for one another be strengthened in joy of our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ here and at home, we pray to the Lord …

For all those who have died, that by the power of Christ's birth on earth, they may be born in heaven, we pray to the Lord…

Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope.
As you answer our prayers,
Give us grace always to bear witness to him
before the world,
For he is Lord forever and ever. Amen.