December 26, 2010


DECEMBER 26, 2010 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY ________________________________________________________________________

God humbled himself to be born of a human family, and sanctified family life forever. For the needs of our families and our world, we now pray.

That the many ministries of the Church may strengthen family life throughout the world, we pray to the Lord...

That governments may protect the institution of marriage, made by God as the union between one man and one woman, we pray to the Lord...

That the family may become ever more the sanctuary of life, where all are welcomed as a gift rather than a burden, we pray to the Lord...

That our children’s choir and their families have a safe trip and a memorable experience while they are in Rome singing for the Holy Father, we pray to the Lord...

That our family members who are ill may enjoy the consolation of the Lord and the presence of their loved ones, we pray to the Lord...

That our family members who have died may be welcomed into eternal life, especially Karen Salamone (and __________________) we pray to the Lord...


<< 6:00 P.M.: That God will greatly bless Fr. Paul Pecchie for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord … >>


we thank you for the gift
of life and family.
Answer all our prayers,
and bring all people into your family of grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.