January 9, 2011


JANUARY 9, 2011 FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD ________________________________________________________________________

Because of our baptism, we are able to offer these petitions to God as our Father. We therefore pray with confidence.


That the Church may effectively lead all peoples to acknowledge Christ as the Son of God, we pray to the Lord...

That nations may resolve their conflicts by seeking the justice and peace brought to the world by the Lord Jesus, we pray to the Lord...

That the Christian community, made one by our common baptism, may always welcome the unborn, the stranger, and all who are vulnerable, we pray to the Lord…

That each of us may renew the commitment of our own baptism, renouncing sin and promising to serve God faithfully in his holy Church, we pray to the Lord...

That those who are ill may, as sons and daughters of God, offer their sufferings to Him with patience and trust, we pray to the Lord...

That those who have died, especially Margaret Cowley, Juanita Sherry, and Rick Huber (and __________________), may share the glory of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...


We thank you for making us your children.
Answer the prayers we have offered today
With confidence and trust.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.