January 16, 2011


JANUARY 16, 2011 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

With the trust that our Faith inspires, we now present our needs to God.


That the Church may continue to show the world the Lamb of God, who takes away its sins, we pray to the Lord...

That God may bless and protect all elected officials, we pray to the Lord...

That all Christians, especially during this week of prayer for Christian unity, celebrate the unity that we share in our baptism and work ceaselessly to overcome the remaining obstacles to our oneness in the Lord, we pray to the Lord …

That the sick may be healed, the oppressed set free, and the deceased, especially Nicholas & Carmel DeCesare, and Lou Thieken (and ____________________) be welcomed into heavenly glory, we pray to the Lord ...


10:30 Mass: For the spiritual and physical safety of all our military, especially Captain Tye Reedy for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord …



Above all these petitions,
We ask for the gift of Your Holy Spirit.
Keep us faithful,
And bring us salvation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.