December 26, 2010


DECEMBER 26, 2010 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY ________________________________________________________________________

God humbled himself to be born of a human family, and sanctified family life forever. For the needs of our families and our world, we now pray.

That the many ministries of the Church may strengthen family life throughout the world, we pray to the Lord...

That governments may protect the institution of marriage, made by God as the union between one man and one woman, we pray to the Lord...

That the family may become ever more the sanctuary of life, where all are welcomed as a gift rather than a burden, we pray to the Lord...

That our children’s choir and their families have a safe trip and a memorable experience while they are in Rome singing for the Holy Father, we pray to the Lord...

That our family members who are ill may enjoy the consolation of the Lord and the presence of their loved ones, we pray to the Lord...

That our family members who have died may be welcomed into eternal life, especially Karen Salamone (and __________________) we pray to the Lord...


<< 6:00 P.M.: That God will greatly bless Fr. Paul Pecchie for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord … >>


we thank you for the gift
of life and family.
Answer all our prayers,
and bring all people into your family of grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Christmas 2010

CHRISTMAS 2010 ________________________________________________________________________
In Christmas joy and hope, let us present all our needs to God with confidence.
For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and for all Church leaders: may they proclaim by their words and actions the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world, we pray to the Lord …
For local, national, and international leaders, that their vision will make this world a better place, we pray to the Lord …

For those forgotten and lonely in hospitals, nursing homes, and orphanages; for those without family or friends, for the homeless and the unemployed, we pray to the Lord …

For our families, loved ones, and friends: may our love for one another be strengthened in joy of our celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ here and at home, we pray to the Lord …

For all those who have died, that by the power of Christ's birth on earth, they may be born in heaven, we pray to the Lord…

Father, the birth of your Son renews our hope.
As you answer our prayers,
Give us grace always to bear witness to him
before the world,
For he is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

November 28, 2010





This special season focuses our minds on the Lord's coming. As we invite Him into our lives, let us present to Him all our needs.


That the Church may effectively prepare the world for the coming of the Son of Man, and for the peace that His coming brings, we pray to the Lord ...

That leaders of government may find instruction in the Word of the Lord and work tirelessly for that justice which is the foundation of peace, we pray to the Lord ...

That all of us gathered here will look for the coming of the Lord in every moment of our lives, we pray to the Lord …

That the Lord who comes to conquer death may bestow eternal life and joy on all our brothers and sisters who have died, especially Andrew Giannotti, Susan Midili, Anthony Sousa, and John Sousa Sr. (and ___________________) and all the souls in Purgatory especially those whose names are listed by the Tabernacle, we pray to the Lord...


as our salvation draws nearer,
fill us with the joy that comes
from being faithful to You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

General Intercessions - November 14, 2010




The day of the Lord is coming, when He will bring us the fullness of joy and salvation. Trusting in Him, we now pray with confidence.


That the faith of the Church will be a beacon to the world whenever dark and troubled times arise, we pray to the Lord …

That all elected officials may seek the wisdom of God and put their trust in His guidance, we pray to the Lord ...

That those who assist others in the wake of natural and human disasters will be blessed in the work they do, we pray to the Lord ...

That the sick may be comforted, strengthened, and healed according to God's will, we pray to the Lord ...

That all the faithful departed whom we remember this month, especially Hilda Lively, and the deceased members of the Midili Family (and __________________________) we pray to the Lord ...


We wait in joyful hope
For the coming of Your Son.
Until that Day,
Give us the joy of faithfulness to You in all things.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

October 24, 2010





Jesus calls us to go to all nations, to proclaim His Gospel and to build His Church. On this World Mission Sunday, as all local churches unite in prayer and sacrifice at the Table of the Lord, we ask God’s blessing that, through our prayers and offerings, the “Good News” of Jesus may be proclaimed to all the world.


For our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, first missionary of the Church, and for all missionaries who give their lives to tell the glory of the Lord to the world, that they may be loving, wise, and holy witnesses of Christ, our Savior, we pray to the Lord ...

For those who are ill or who live in spiritual loneliness, that they may unite their sufferings with the Crucified Christ for the redemption of the world, we pray to the Lord …

For an increase in our own missionary spirit, so that, nourished by the Eucharist, we may help the message and love of our Lord be made known in every corner of the world, we pray to the Lord …

For our departed loved ones, especially Cirino Carroccetto (Sir-ee-no Care-o-chet-to), David Joyner, and Arle May (and ____________________________), that the angels may receive them into Paradise, we pray to the Lord...


You bless us with the gift of faith. Increase our faith as we answer the call to take part in the worldwide mission of Jesus. We ask this through Christ our Lord.   Amen.

October 17, 2010



Moses kept his hands raised in prayer for all God's people. We also bring the needs of our brothers and sisters before God's throne today.


That believers in all parts of the world may always enjoy the freedom to pray in public and to worship God according to His command, we pray to the Lord...

That government leaders and candidates for public office may always acknowledge that the source of all law and authority is in God alone, we pray to the Lord...

That God's people may persevere in their prayers and works to eliminate abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and every form of injustice against human life, we pray to the Lord...

For deeper unity, understanding, and practical cooperation between the different Christian denominations, we pray to the Lord...

That all in need of our prayers, especially the sick and dying, may be surrounded by God's grace and healing love, we pray to the Lord...

For our departed loved ones, especially Carmen Carrero, Marcelle Ayre, and Carmine Anselmo (and ______________________________), that the angels may receive them into Paradise, we pray to the Lord...



We thank you for the power of prayer,

Which is simply the power of your love.

Give us the joy of knowing that love

All the days of our lives.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



With full trust and faith, we bring our needs before the Lord.


For the Church, that our faith in God will be manifest in our works in the world, we pray to the Lord …

That there may be an end to the violence of crime, war, abortion and oppression, we pray to the Lord…

That God's people may take an active, informed, and responsible role as citizens of our great nation, we pray to the Lord...

That those who no longer practice the faith, especially among our own families, may not harden their hearts but rather hear the Lord calling them back, we pray to the Lord...

That the sick may be comforted and healed, and in turn serve the needs of others, we pray to the Lord...

That those who have died, especially Effie Finora, Al Vogel, and Sam Posey (and ______________________) be received into everlasting life and joy, we pray to the Lord …



You call us to hope for salvation

And for all other good things.

Hear our prayers,

And strengthen our desire to serve You always.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.




As we present our many needs to God, let us ask first of all for the gift of Wisdom, and let us trust in His power to answer all our prayers.


That by word and example, Church leaders may inspire the faithful to bear their crosses each day with patience and fidelity to the Gospel, we pray to the Lord….

That those who are making important career choices may plan with wisdom, foresight, and trust in God’s providence, we pray to the Lord…

That all who are preparing for marriage may take the time and effort needed to know each other well and to respond generously to God’s call to raise a family, we pray to the Lord…

That those who are ill may experience God’s healing and the presence and care of their families and friends, we pray to the Lord…

For all who have died, especially Florence Brown and Karen Salamone (and ___________________________________), may they be welcomed into the eternal life Christ has prepared for us, we pray to the Lord…


In your Providence, you know all our needs,
Yet you want us to worship you
As the one in whom those needs are met.
Hear our prayers, and give us joy and peace in your presence.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

August 29, 2010


We have been invited to the table of God’s grace. With humility, we present to him our needs.

That the Church may draw every human being, with welcome and joy, to the Kingdom of God and to eternal salvation, we pray to the Lord….

That elected officials may serve with the humility that recognizes that human rights come from God, not from government, we pray to the Lord…

That God may bring his peace to the lonely, to prisoners, to the abandoned, to the poor, and to the unborn, we pray to the Lord…

That those who care for the sick may grow in compassion, and always reflect the face and heart of Christ, we pray to the Lord…

That all who have died may be purified of sin and enjoy the vision of God forever, we pray to the Lord…

That all who have died, especially Nick Alexander, Walter O’Connor (and _________________ ____________________), be purified of sin and enjoy the vision of God forever, we pray to the Lord…

Father, we praise you for allowing us to draw close to you.
As you hear our prayers, open the way for those who are far from you
to also experience your kindness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

August 22, 2010



We have responded to God’s invitation to come to His Kingdom. We therefore pray with confidence.

That the Church, through the clear proclamation of the Gospel and through works of mercy, may always comfort those who are enduring trials of every kind, we pray to the Lord…

That government leaders around the world may make their decisions in light of the truth and justice that characterize God’s Kingdom, we pray to the Lord…

That students returning to school may draw wisdom and knowledge from the Holy Spirit, and fulfill their duties diligently and safely, we pray to the Lord…

That all who have died, especially Marlon Barros, Cassandra Hill, Maria Jones Conway, and the deceased members of the Midili Family (and _________________ ____________________) be received into the everlasting banquet of God, we pray to the Lord…

Father, we thank you
for making us members of your family.
As you hear our prayers,
May we extend your goodness
to all our brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

August 15, 2010





Blessed is she who trusted that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled. Like Mary, let us now trust that he will hear our prayers.


That the Church, like the Virgin Mary, may bring Christ into the world with joy, and be joined with him in endless life, we pray to the Lord...

That the Assumption of Mary may awaken government leaders to the supreme dignity of each human life, which is called to the heights of heavenly glory, we pray to the Lord...

For all mothers, that they may find in Mary the example and strength to carry out their vocation, we pray to the Lord…

That the sick may draw strength, consolation, and healing by turning to Mary, who intercedes for us from her place in heaven, we pray to the Lord...

For those who have died, especially Mark McCabe, Karen Salamone (and ____________ ___________________________) … may they have eternal rest and peace, we pray to the Lord...



by bringing Mary body and soul

to heavenly glory,

You give us new hope.

May we never doubt

that you will hear and answer our prayers,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.


God reconciles everything to Himself in Christ. This gives us confidence now to bring our
prayers before Him.

That the Church may always call her people to live in concrete ways the great
commandment of love, we pray to the Lord...
That world leaders may acknowledge Christ, for whom and through whom all nations and
peoples exist, we pray to the Lord...
That our laws may protect the institution of marriage, created by God as the union of one
man and one woman, we pray to the Lord...
That victims of economic hard times will see the hand of Jesus Christ in the generous
response of our parish community, we pray to the Lord…
That all who have died may have eternal rest and peace, especially Roland Roope, we pray to the Lord...

Your Word is near us,
In our hearts and on our lips.
Through that Word, fulfill our needs
And keep us faithful to You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


With trust in the Lord who calls us as His disciples, we bring Him all our needs. 

That the Church may continue to proclaim with joy the saving mercy of the Lord and follow Him with steadfast fidelity, we pray to the Lord...

That on this anniversary of America’s independence we will remain true to our nation’s founding principles and always work for the common good, let us pray to the Lord…

That God bless and protect our nation’s armed forces, those serving now, those who have come home, and those who have given their lives in service, we pray to the Lord...

That the terminally ill may receive the proper care, love, and support they deserve until the moment of natural death, we pray to the Lord...

That all who have died, especially Angela Midili, Felin Hernandez, and Arlie May. May they be purified of sin and share in the Lord's resurrection, we pray to the Lord... 

Let us take a few moments of silence to bring to mind all those needs in the depths of our hearts . . . . . . . . . . we pray to the Lord.
God of life and love, you send us to continue Jesus’ mission.  Hear these prayers that we ask in His name, for He is Lord forever and ever.

June 27, 2010 - 13th Sunday in OT

With trust in the Lord Who calls us as His disciples, we bring Him all our needs.

  • That the Church may continue to proclaim with joy the saving mercy of the Lord and follow Him with steadfast fidelity, we pray to the Lord...
  • For peace in the world, and for the justice which is the foundation of that peace, we pray to the Lord...
  • That the terminally ill may receive the proper care, love, and support they deserve until the moment of natural death, we pray to the Lord...
  • For all who have made a commitment to religious life, that "having set their hand to the plow," they may never look back, but only follow the Lord with joy, we pray to the Lord...
  • That the children and volunteers in this year’s Vacation Bible School will be inspired by faith, strengthened in community, and protected from harm, we pray to the Lord…
  • For all who have died, especially _________, Nick Alexander, Sal Guarino (War-EE-no), and, Bettina Carroccetto (Kare-a-sheh-toe), may they be purified of sin and share in the Lord's resurrection, we pray to the Lord...
  • Let us bring our own needs to God in silent prayer……………………….. we pray to the Lord…
Father, by our baptism
we are committed to following Your Son.
Hear our prayers,
and help us keep our hearts focused on You.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

· VBS starts Monday
· A new program for 3-5 year olds, Pilgrims, will be starting soon. See the bulletin for details.

June 20, 2010, 12th Sunday in OT


Let us join our voices to bring our needs before the Father…


·        For all who risk their lives for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom, we pray to the Lord…

·        For leaders striving to bring about equality and dignity for all people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all who follow Christ as a religious brother or sister, that they will never have want of food, shelter, or hospitality, we pray to the Lord…  

·        For fathers, and for all those who guide and protect young people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all of us worshiping here today, that we would be strengthened as a community of faith, we pray to the Lord…

·        For all who have died, especially (________________________) Edwina Green and Michael McNamara, that as heirs named in the promise they will share eternal life with Christ, we pray to the Lord.

·        For our own needs brought to God in silent prayer…………………                    we pray to the Lord.

Almighty God, we lift our prayers to You in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


1.    This Monday is the deadline for all VBS donations. If you have something to donate and have not had a chance to bring it to the office, please bring it by tomorrow! We still need….
·        A large tug-of-war rope

2.    Our Gregorian Chanting classes have started. It’s not too late to join them on Wednesdays @ 7:00pm in the church. Learn to sing like a monk!

3.    Next weekend is Peter’s Pence.

June 13, 2010 - 11th Sunday in OT


The infinite mercy of God inspires in us the confidence by which we now approach Him with all our needs…

·        For missionaries, lay and ordained, that they may have the courage, dedication, and convincing words of our patron, Saint Anthony, we pray to the Lord…

·        For leaders striving to bring about equality and dignity for all people, we pray to the Lord…

·        For those in our parish and in our families who are suffering from illness or weakness of any kind, that the Holy Spirit may fill their souls and bodies, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all Christians, justified by faith, that they may seek a deeper unity with their brothers and sisters of other denominations, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all in religious life, that their consecrated lives may remind us all that the life we live is not ours, but God’s, we pray to the Lord… 

·        For all who have died, (especially ________________) that they may be purified of sin and share the vision of heaven, we pray to the Lord… 

·        At 5:30pm only: For Jerry and Betty Schambeau (Sham-Bo) for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord…

·        At 7:30am only: For Fr. Len Plazewski (Plaz-es-kee) for whom this Mass is offered, we pray to the Lord…

·        For our own needs brought before God in silent prayer…………….we pray to the Lord…

Father, Source of all Life and source of all Grace,
Hear our prayers and grant us perseverance
In living the vocation You have given each of us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.